So, um, what movies do you even like then?

First off, watch the attitude. Secondly, we get this question a lot — usually from people who think we must be incapable of liking any movies. But actually, we love movies — hence our anger when mediocre ones get overly-praised. So to answer your question with way more than you expected, here's a list of 747 movies we liked. Yeah, you read that right.

What are these "In Theaters" episodes I see in your feed sometimes?

Our "In Theaters" episodes are when we go see a new movie in the theater and then come back immediately and give you our real-time reaction to it. And surprisingly, sometimes we actually like those ones. Hopefully when COVID is over, we can do more of those.

Who are the hosts? How do they know each other?

Keating & Jim. We're two writer friends who would always rant to each other about movies, and laughed enough to arrogantly decide to start recording it. We met in high school. You can follow Keating on Twitter (@keatingthomas) and you can’t follow Jim, because he doesn't participate in social media, which makes him a better person than Keating. 

How can I contact the show?

Our email address is And you can find us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram, all under the handle @FilmSnuff.

How do you determine what episodes you do for the show?

It’s pretty simple: if a movie is beloved by the general public and/or the critics—and we both think it’s not as good as everyone says — then it’s a candidate for the show. That can be an Oscar-nominated movie, a blockbuster, a cult classic, or a kids movie that we revisit and now realize is insane.

Do you watch these movies together first?

No, we both watch and research each movie separately, and then don’t speak about its contents to each other until we start recording (which can actually get very frustrating when it's a really juicy one).

Can I request a movie for you guys do on the show?

Feel free, but that’s no guarantee we’ll do it. Unless you pay us a lot of money and then I guess we’ll have to. Here's our archive, which is just a list of movies we've done so far in order, if you were curious. 

Who designed your logo?

Our logo and all other artwork were created for us by graphic artist Matthew Alexander Kling.